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HeartStart saves life of cardiac arrest victim at emergency physicians


Philips Healthcare Communication

미국응급의학회에서 급성심정지 증상을 보인 참가자가 나타나, 주위 동료들이 하트스타트 AED로 응급처치를 하였습니다. 주위 동료들의 빠른 대응 덕분에, 환자는 현재 집에서 휴식을 취하고 있습니다.


Jared Shell 박사는 미국응급의학회 마지막 날 학회장을 떠날 무렵, 얼굴이 창백하고 호흡이 어려워지는 참가자 John(가명)을 발견하였습니다. Jared Shell 박사와 환자의 동료 David Pigott 박사가 함께 심장압박을 실행하였고, 주위에 있던 의사들이 병원에 연락을 취하고 하트스타트 AED를 가지고 왔습니다.


하트스타트 AED의 설명에 따라 패드를 붙이고, 2번째 전기충격을 가하자 환자의 심장박동이 돌아왔고 환자는 보다 안정된 상태로 병원으로 이송 될 수 있었습니다. 


Original -> When Dr. Jared Shell left the conference floor at the end of day one of the American College of Emergency Physicians, he had no idea he was about to save a life. As a third-year emergency medicine resident, that's something he does daily, but there were no patients at the Colorado Convention Center that day. At least not yet.


As he shook hands to say goodbye to a former colleague, Dr. Shell noticed John*, an attendee seated beside them. John was displaying pallor and had apparent difficulty breathing. When the physicians tried to speak to him, he didn't respond. Initially suspecting he may be having a seizure, they lowered him into a safety position on the floor. They then recognized he was in cardiac arrest.


As the two opened John's shirt to begin chest compressions, they were joined by Dr. David Pigott, a fellow emergency physician and conference attendee who had overheard the initial call for help. Someone yelled for an AED, and a HeartStart defibrillator appeared at John's side, two rounds into compressions.


"We put on the pads, and the machine told us everything to do after that," explains Dr. Shell. The doctor administered an initial shock, then returned to compressions when the fibrillation persisted. A second shock put John's heart back in rhythm. Paramedics arrived and prepared him for transportation.

"It went so smoothly; it was really textbook, the way it’s supposed to happen," says Dr. Pigott. "It was really gratifying to note that the skillset that we have as emergency physicians, and the tools that we have like an AED, really work the way they’re designed to?that within five minutes this guy was back alive and ready to be sent to the hospital in a relatively stable condition.“


Anyone can take action
While the doctors note John's good fortune to have experienced his cardiac event among some 5,000 emergency physicians, both remark on the fact that any bystander could have responded as they did. The first step is just taking action. "It’s easier for people not to [respond] than to do it," says Dr. Pigott. "But, I think, if more people could see the difference it can make in saving someone's life, more people would step forward to help.“


As for working with the AED? "It was 'pads on, hook it up, turn it on,' and it was ready and telling us what to do," said Dr. Shell. "It worked seamlessly.“


There's no greater reminder than this that there is a patient connected to everything that we do. After a week's stay at Denver Health, John is recovering in his home state of North Carolina.

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