IHE - Interventional X-ray

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Interventional X-ray Connectivity

IHE Integration Statements

Allura Systems

Integris Systems

  • Integris Systems R2.2 (February 2003) applicable for: Integris Allura, Integris C/V, Integris H-series, Integris V-series

    Mobile Surgery Systems
  • BV Family R1.2 (February 2005) applicable for: BV Libra, BV Endura, BV Pulsera
  • BV Family R1.1 (Februari 2003) applicable for: BV Libra, BV Endura, BV Pulsera

Interventional Workspot


Interventional Tools

  • Interventional Tools R9.0 (November 2013), applicable for the products Interventional Work Spot 1.2.0, Allura 3DRA 6.4.0, Allura 3DCA 3.0.5, XperGuide 1.1.0, XperCT 3.2, StentBoost 4.2.0, CT TrueView 2.0.5, HeartNavigator 2.0.0, 2D Perfusion 1.1.0, 3D Roadmap 1.1.1, MR-CT Roadmap 1.1.1, Embo Guide 1.0.0
  • Interventional Tools R8.8.0 (Workspot R1.1.0) (April 2013), applicable for the products Allura 3D-RA R6.3.0, 3D Roadmap R1.1.0, MR-CT Roadmap R1.1.0, Allura XperCT R3.1.0, XperGuide R1.0.1, StentBoost R4.1.0, Allura 3D-CA R3.0.4, CTTrueView R2.0.4, HeartNavigator R1.1.1, 2D Perfusion R1.0.1
  • Interventional Tools R8.8.1 (Workspot R1.0.1) (April 2012), applicable for the products Allura 3D-RA R6.2.1, 3D Roadmap R1.0.1, MR-CT Roadmap R1.0.1, Allura XperCT R3.0.0, XperGuide R1.0.0, StentBoost R4.0.0, Allura 3D-CA R3.0.3, CTTrueView R2.0.3, HeartNavigator R1.0.2, 2D Perfusion R1.0.0
  • Interventional Tools R8.3.0 (February 2011), applicable for the products Allura 3D-RA R6.1.0, 3D Roadmap R2, MultiModality Roadmap R1, Allura XperCT R2.2.0, Allura XperGuide R2, StentBoost R2.1.1, StentBoost R3.1.1, Allura 3D-CA R3.0.1, CTTrueView R2.0.1, CTO Navigator, HeartNavigator R1.0.0
  • Interventional Tools R8.2 (November 2010), applicable for the products Allura 3D-RA R6, 3D Roadmap R2, MultiModality Roadmap R1, Allura XperCT R2, Allura XperGuide R2, StentBoost R2, StentBoost R3, Allura 3D-CA R3, CTTrueView R2, and CTO Navigator
  • XtraVision R8.1 (September 2009), applicable for the products Allura 3D-RA R6, 3D Roadmap R2, MultiModality Roadmap R1, Allura XperCT R2, Allura XperGuide R2, StentBoost R2, StentBoost R3, Allura 3D-CA R3, CTTrueView R2, and CTO Navigator


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